We have long been taught that we need at least 8 hours of sleep deprivation a night to allow our bodies to repair themselves. However, current data shows that most people may not need even 8 hours of sleep. And getting quality sleep is more important.
Lack of sleep definitely affects the body, but in just one day, the effects may not be severe. At most, you may feel a little drowsy during the day. But when night falls, when you get a full night’s sleep again. Your body will recover and be refreshed the next day. But if you continue to lack sleep, the effects will become more obvious.

Effects of sleep deprivation
- Physical fatigue
Because there is no energy reserve for use the next day. สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น Some people say that if the body has 100% energy,
Only 70% of the energy will actually circulate, leaving the remaining 30% as reserve energy for use in times of illness or emergencies, including sleep deprivation. Therefore, it is found that if sleep deprivation is short-term. There will be no serious problem. But if it is long-term, the remaining 30% of energy will be depleted, and at that time. There will be more obvious symptoms of discomfort.
- Obesity can follow.
Due to abnormalities in the metabolism of blood sugar, there is insufficient blood sugar, which results in the need to eat more. The symptoms are similar to those of type 2 diabetes. Being awake for a long time without sleep causes the body to burn more energy, which makes you want to eat more. Evidence from studies shows that obesity caused by sleep deprivation is more common in young people or middle-aged people than in the elderly. Other contributing factors, such as watching late-night TV, also make you want to eat one more meal or eat more snacks, which will further contribute to your weight gain.
- The body does not grow, especially in children.
Because growth hormones are produced less and the body’s immune system is disrupted. It is easy to get sick or even death from sleep deprivation can occur.
Effects of chronic sleep deprivation
- Cerebral infarction
A medical study reported that a number of people with headaches and poor memory had brain X-rays that showed they had narrowed blood vessels in their brains. When they traced their history back. It was found that many had a history of insufficient sleep. After this group of patients got more sleep, it was found that the narrowed blood vessels in their brains improved.
- The learning process slows down
Sleep deprivation affects various parts of the brain to function abnormally. For example, the prefrontal cortex will make learning from verbal learning tasks worse, while the temporal lobe will make learning language processes slower.
- Causing drowsiness
It is caused by the thalamus of the brain of people who do not get enough sleep. It will temporarily stop working for a short period of time, which may be a second or as long as half a minute. This causes drowsiness, lack of alertness, unresponsiveness to any perception or slow perception. Some people call this condition “falling asleep while driving”, which is very dangerous if it occurs while driving or while working that requires speed or accuracy.
- Mental illness
Severe sleep deprivation can cause psychosis, such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, or fear of being harmed, or symptoms similar to those of people with bipolar disorder, such as unusually cheerful or unusually sad moods. In addition, it can cause irritability or mood swings, depending on the severity of the sleep deprivation.
The most effective treatment for sleep deprivation is to get enough sleep. This may involve sleeping more than usual on the day before you know you will be sleep deprived. Once you have lost sleep, you should make up for it by getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will usually improve on its own without the need for complicated treatment.